Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Are you addicted to TRAUMA?

By Malika "TRAUMAprenuer" Anderson
I know this might sound crazy, possibly ridiculous, but you can be addicted to TRAUMA. Wait a second, just hear me out; think about crack, think about alcohol, think about smoking cigarettes. Those are all addictions. For one reason or another people get addicted to things that are not good for them.

Here's how addiction starts. Something REALLY bad happens to you, then you do something to bring you out of that, that is really dramatic and thus you have AN ADDICTION. Here's a better example; your boyfriend cheats on you, it brings you soooo much pain, but then he comes back begging and makes sweet love to you in the middle of you being in that pain! Guess what? He has now entered your nervous system, your endorphins, and your limbic system. Thus he has now sealed a cycle of your body which will now start looking for pain, and then extreme great sex and that will be the way your relationship goes on FOREVER!
PAIN pleasure PAIN Pleasure. Rick James said it best.

Another example of addiction, something REALLY bad happens, and then someone offers you a hit to take you REALLY HIGH, to get out of that funk of what has happened. Then you get high, then you go back down to that funk because you still have to face what happened, and then you get high again. Do you see the cycle here? Do you see how you can be ADDICTED TO TRAUMA?

So something really bad happens in your childhood, it affects your nervous system it gets into your nervous system, it never leaves because it's still there and it's never properly dealt with. Your nervous system is like tentacles, they're like feelers because they've been conditioned a certain way, they start looking for matching situations on an energetic or spiritual level to bring them that drama. Is this your life?

Another example is: you were broke as a kid; you stole something so that you could fill that gap of being broke. Now you have a cycle of stealing.....being broke.....stealing....being broke. You see that. I bet you haven't looked at it in that way.

Is this your life, I can help you end this. I have a guaranteed program. END THE TRAUMA, STOP being a TRAUMAQUEEN in your life and work with me NOW!! Learn more about it. Join me for my No More Broken Pieces coaching calls every Thursday with a DEMONSTRATION to experience this. If you are in the New Jersey area I have also have a meet up group so that you can experience this. STOP this now!

BLACK WOMEN, this is especially for YOU! This is a guaranteed way that your life will continue. Other Women going through divorce, going through transition, going through ending domestic violence, if you are hurting, if you are in pain, if you are broken hearted, WORK WITH ME for UNDER THE PRICE OF A CUP OF COFFEE once a month in a group program!!!! I can heal this from YOU, your CHILDREN, and your LIFE FOREVER!!!!!

Contact Malika Anderson via email at malika@malikaanderson.com or at 908-725-2584 TO FIND OUT MORE about The Malika Solution and all of our signature programs. I have a special signature program for Women of Color. This program works the results have been amazing. Find out HOW women of color can HEAL and RECOVER FOR GOOD!

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