Thursday, June 23, 2011

Money Does Grow on Trees!

Money Does Grow on Trees

By Malika "TRAUMApreneur" Anderson

Is your money under pressure?' I guarantee your money is under pressure. Are you the type of woman that doesn't handle her money? The type of woman that doesn't make a list of what's coming in and that doesn't make a list of what's going out. The type that doesn't keep all the receipts. What happened as a kid with you and your money? What beliefs were you told as a child about money? Were you told that money doesn't grow on trees as a result of your beliefs? LET ME DISPELL THAT MYTH FOR YOU RIGHT NOW. WHERE DOES MONEY COME FROM? TREES! What is money made of? Paper. Money does come from trees folks, what they told you was a massive lie!

Money does grow on trees see. lol
You see how easy it is to drop a belief and to end a belief. That is the most ridiculous belief that anybody could ever tell you because the paper that money is made with comes from trees. So money does come from trees.

I am going to start dispelling myths to you that your parents and educators and people in your midst lied to you about concerning money. You have been lied to, bamboozled and hood winked... yes you have! Money does grow on trees folks and I can tell you more and dispel myths about all the things you've been told about money, sex, love, and GOD. Yes I said it GOD, but we won't go there, lets just talk about money. We will continue to talk about how paper is made from trees.....

Are you ready to make money in your business?
Work with me to Create a NEW neural PATHWAY.

Didn't you really want that Barbie doll as a little girl and your mother said you didn't have enough money? You wanted it I know you did. In your lives today many of you are still secretly longing for things just like you did as a little girl. The only problem is you are a BIG girl now a Woman.
What happened when you stole that doll as a little girl? You stole it and got a beating!!!!

Now fast forward to today. Why do you beat yourself up when you buy the things you really need and WANT? Why do you keep stealing from yourself and cheating yourself AND robbing Peter to pay Paul? The Trauma and Drama are playing out in your life and you don't even realize it. You need to really look at some of the behaviors and blockages surround you and your money. This is serious business ladies. Something as simple as what you have been taught to believe could be stopping you and blocking you from making Millions and potentially Billions of dollars.

I have a guaranteed solution to end Trauma in you and your children's life. If you are robbing Peter to pay Paul, THAT'S TRAUMA which is creating drama in your life. Besides, do you even know who Peter or Paul is? Peter and Paul are two secret men in your life that are creating Trauma in your finances. You want to get rid of them, ask me how.

All that is TRAUMA folks.

You see all the TRAUMA around your money and how it is creating drama around your money. Work with me to end that TRAUMA NOW! or 908-725-2584.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Are you addicted to TRAUMA?

By Malika "TRAUMAprenuer" Anderson
I know this might sound crazy, possibly ridiculous, but you can be addicted to TRAUMA. Wait a second, just hear me out; think about crack, think about alcohol, think about smoking cigarettes. Those are all addictions. For one reason or another people get addicted to things that are not good for them.

Here's how addiction starts. Something REALLY bad happens to you, then you do something to bring you out of that, that is really dramatic and thus you have AN ADDICTION. Here's a better example; your boyfriend cheats on you, it brings you soooo much pain, but then he comes back begging and makes sweet love to you in the middle of you being in that pain! Guess what? He has now entered your nervous system, your endorphins, and your limbic system. Thus he has now sealed a cycle of your body which will now start looking for pain, and then extreme great sex and that will be the way your relationship goes on FOREVER!
PAIN pleasure PAIN Pleasure. Rick James said it best.

Another example of addiction, something REALLY bad happens, and then someone offers you a hit to take you REALLY HIGH, to get out of that funk of what has happened. Then you get high, then you go back down to that funk because you still have to face what happened, and then you get high again. Do you see the cycle here? Do you see how you can be ADDICTED TO TRAUMA?

So something really bad happens in your childhood, it affects your nervous system it gets into your nervous system, it never leaves because it's still there and it's never properly dealt with. Your nervous system is like tentacles, they're like feelers because they've been conditioned a certain way, they start looking for matching situations on an energetic or spiritual level to bring them that drama. Is this your life?

Another example is: you were broke as a kid; you stole something so that you could fill that gap of being broke. Now you have a cycle of stealing.....being broke.....stealing....being broke. You see that. I bet you haven't looked at it in that way.

Is this your life, I can help you end this. I have a guaranteed program. END THE TRAUMA, STOP being a TRAUMAQUEEN in your life and work with me NOW!! Learn more about it. Join me for my No More Broken Pieces coaching calls every Thursday with a DEMONSTRATION to experience this. If you are in the New Jersey area I have also have a meet up group so that you can experience this. STOP this now!

BLACK WOMEN, this is especially for YOU! This is a guaranteed way that your life will continue. Other Women going through divorce, going through transition, going through ending domestic violence, if you are hurting, if you are in pain, if you are broken hearted, WORK WITH ME for UNDER THE PRICE OF A CUP OF COFFEE once a month in a group program!!!! I can heal this from YOU, your CHILDREN, and your LIFE FOREVER!!!!!

Contact Malika Anderson via email at or at 908-725-2584 TO FIND OUT MORE about The Malika Solution and all of our signature programs. I have a special signature program for Women of Color. This program works the results have been amazing. Find out HOW women of color can HEAL and RECOVER FOR GOOD!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

New Boo, Same Old TRAUMA

How I would have helped Rihanna.Mhmmmmm, you've heard all the clichés, what's love got to do with it, there's a thin line between love and hate, love me or leave me alone, yadayadayada. It's been a while since the story of Rihanna and Chris Brown.

We all remember it, right? Young love, aggression, sexting, violence, the car, that night, the Grammys. What have we learned from this story if anything? It's been a couple of years now, Chris has moved on to cleaning up his image, taking domestic violence classes, and making new music. Rhi Rhi has moved on to upping her game, intensifying her grown up image, making new music, and she even has a new boo.

We all remember Rihanna shortly moving on to be photographed at places with the young, hot, baseball player whose initials are M.K. Hmm, let me think about this. You mean to tell me that only after a few, short months of that traumatic incident that was publicly displayed and blasted in the media, that Rihanna was doing fine and over it?! Do you think that I'm naive enough to believe that after loving Chris Brown the way she claimed she did, and now being forced to have no contact with him, that she was simply over him, and over it?

Do you see any trauma here? Let the Traumapreneur break this down for you.
Rewind: If you look at this Rihanna was already dealing with trauma. This trauma started way back with family dysfunction, the abuse between mom and dad, the industry standards, getting into the business very young, Chris allegedly being her very first boyfriend, and other things that we don't even know about. The incident with Chris Brown triggered her underlying trauma, and made it worse. So do you really think the solution is getting a new boyfriend? No people, this will not solve Rihanna's real issue of pain, hurt, disappointment, loss, betrayal, frustration, and overachievement. No man will ever cover up those issues.

Fast Forward: Moving on is not getting over it. Just because you have someone new in your life, and you temporarily feel better, doesn't make the trauma go away. You must deal with the trauma at the core, and the root of the problem. You've often heard me say, trauma is like an inactive volcano waiting to explode. Another man/women can't fix what's broke on the inside of you. That's why someone should have given Rihanna my phone number, and she could've called me and asked me about the Malika Solution. The Malika Solution for Rihanna would have been to join my No More Broken Pieces signature program, where I teach women how to heal and recover after any trauma, for good. I teach women how to STOP LIVING THE PAIN!

Just because something BAD happened to you doesn't mean that you have to keep reliving something BAD. BREAK UP WITH PAIN, TRAUMA, HURT AND DRAMA FOR GOOD!

Trauma leaves negative damaging effects that often scar people so deeply that they never fully recover. I help you to UNLOCK YOUR LIFE by getting rid of the negative thoughts, emotions and behavior patterns that you now suffer from. As a traumapreneur I specialize in the difficult and most traumatic cases out there. I ALWAYS see breakthrough results! I help you to BREAK, SHATTER, and DESTROY the death cycles of PAIN, HURT, DISSAPPOINMENT, HEARTACHE, FRUSTRATION AND STRUGGLE FOR GOOD!