Thursday, June 2, 2011

New Boo, Same Old TRAUMA

How I would have helped Rihanna.Mhmmmmm, you've heard all the clichés, what's love got to do with it, there's a thin line between love and hate, love me or leave me alone, yadayadayada. It's been a while since the story of Rihanna and Chris Brown.

We all remember it, right? Young love, aggression, sexting, violence, the car, that night, the Grammys. What have we learned from this story if anything? It's been a couple of years now, Chris has moved on to cleaning up his image, taking domestic violence classes, and making new music. Rhi Rhi has moved on to upping her game, intensifying her grown up image, making new music, and she even has a new boo.

We all remember Rihanna shortly moving on to be photographed at places with the young, hot, baseball player whose initials are M.K. Hmm, let me think about this. You mean to tell me that only after a few, short months of that traumatic incident that was publicly displayed and blasted in the media, that Rihanna was doing fine and over it?! Do you think that I'm naive enough to believe that after loving Chris Brown the way she claimed she did, and now being forced to have no contact with him, that she was simply over him, and over it?

Do you see any trauma here? Let the Traumapreneur break this down for you.
Rewind: If you look at this Rihanna was already dealing with trauma. This trauma started way back with family dysfunction, the abuse between mom and dad, the industry standards, getting into the business very young, Chris allegedly being her very first boyfriend, and other things that we don't even know about. The incident with Chris Brown triggered her underlying trauma, and made it worse. So do you really think the solution is getting a new boyfriend? No people, this will not solve Rihanna's real issue of pain, hurt, disappointment, loss, betrayal, frustration, and overachievement. No man will ever cover up those issues.

Fast Forward: Moving on is not getting over it. Just because you have someone new in your life, and you temporarily feel better, doesn't make the trauma go away. You must deal with the trauma at the core, and the root of the problem. You've often heard me say, trauma is like an inactive volcano waiting to explode. Another man/women can't fix what's broke on the inside of you. That's why someone should have given Rihanna my phone number, and she could've called me and asked me about the Malika Solution. The Malika Solution for Rihanna would have been to join my No More Broken Pieces signature program, where I teach women how to heal and recover after any trauma, for good. I teach women how to STOP LIVING THE PAIN!

Just because something BAD happened to you doesn't mean that you have to keep reliving something BAD. BREAK UP WITH PAIN, TRAUMA, HURT AND DRAMA FOR GOOD!

Trauma leaves negative damaging effects that often scar people so deeply that they never fully recover. I help you to UNLOCK YOUR LIFE by getting rid of the negative thoughts, emotions and behavior patterns that you now suffer from. As a traumapreneur I specialize in the difficult and most traumatic cases out there. I ALWAYS see breakthrough results! I help you to BREAK, SHATTER, and DESTROY the death cycles of PAIN, HURT, DISSAPPOINMENT, HEARTACHE, FRUSTRATION AND STRUGGLE FOR GOOD!

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